Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Medicine as Art

My inner artist has finally emerged. And now, have my given myself full permission to call myself an artist . My life is my art and i have embraced my work as a doctor as my art.
For so long i was feeling lost in the wilderness, having dedicated years of study of medicine and yet feeling like i was missing a huge piece ofmyself. I have gathered pieces of myself from the corners and shadows of my soul. I have given myself permission to be free, to work in a way that feels real and more true to who i am.
It has taken courage, failure, a broken heart and commitment to my purpose for me to emerge as an artist. Every day start with a brand new canvas, and as the day progresses the colours of emotion and shades of feeling emerge through my interaction with my patients.
Their joy and mine, their healing and mine , wisps of energy,blend together in the space between us, creating the art of healing.

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